Little Schemer

Functional programming

Olivier Leroy


November 3, 2024

I have been reading and enjoying The Little Schemer! It’s time to write a bit about it and structure what I learned so far (up to chapter 5).

If you do not know about it I might start by giving a quick introduction. This book about recursion has a very specific and original way of teaching.


I do not think it is a beginner’s book as it focuses a lot on building abstractions and relies on the reader to make sense of them.

Teaching Methods:

Instead of providing a lengthy text and definition it (nearly) always start with a question then provide with you an answer.

For example:

Is it true that this is an atom?

because atom is a string of characters beginning with the letter a.

This is the first definition that you are given. The book uses this style to either introduce you to a definition or give you small tasks and time to think about them.

The exception to that practice occurs when the authors introduce “Laws” and “Commandments”.


The Law of Car:
The primitive car is defined only for non-empty lists.

“Laws” and “Commandments” are build incrementally, you will start with preliminary version and improve them as we build examples and learn more.

When I want to practice a bit on a computer I am using this version of Scheme and Emacs

It is using Scheme (a LISP dialect) but so far I am mostly using pen and paper, which is one reason I like it a lot: you can practice everywhere and do not need a computer.

Before building a function, the authors always define how the function should behave (with a series of questions). Now we would probably frame that as Test Driven Development.

For example we want to create a function firsts that is taking a list l asan argument:

(firsts l) where l is:

((apple peach pumpkin) 
 (plum pear cherry)
 (grape raisin pea)
 (bean carrot eggplant))

Should return: (apple plum grape bean)

If the first S-expression of an internal list. is a list it should be returned and if the list is empty it should return an empty list (I am shortcuting you here 3 other questions/answers).

An Example on Recursion:

I did not begin this book because of his way of teaching (this was a huge added benefit, I was not aware of) but mostly because I wanted to get better at using recursion.

Hence let’s see how we can define firsts

The first step when using a recursion is defining when we should stop it (see First Commandment). Here, we will stop when the list is empty (this also matches our special case as (firsts ()) should return ()). This is the called the termination condition, and describe in the Fourth Commandment: be sure where using a recursion to change an argument that will be tested to stop it.

Then we need to build the typical element, ie what should be returned (in our previous example apple is one of them). In Scheme it looks like:

(car (car l))

car is a primitive function that returns the first S-expression of an non-empty list ((car l) would have returned (apple peach pumpkin)).

After that we need to provide the rest of the list to our firsts function. LISP has an other primitive function called cdr used for that:

(firsts (cdr l))

In our example this would be ((plum pear cherry) (grape raisin pea) (bean carrot eggplant)) and this is called the natural recursion.

The last piece is to patch them together and for that LISP use cons (see the Second Commandment).

\[ (cons \underbrace{(car (car \quad l))}_{typical \quad element} \overbrace{(firsts (cdr \quad l))}^{natural \quad recursion}) \]

Now we can write the function:

(define firsts
  (lambda (l)
      ((null?) quote()) ;termination condition
      (else (cons 
              (car (cars l)) ;typical element
              (firsts (cdr l)) ;natural recursion

That’s it!

I still would like to highlight a few points:

  • The termination condition is a good example on why you should check for error first

  • All of the “Commandments” are easy to find in the backcover of the book. I do not think they are meant to be memorized. They will probably make no sense if you do not go over the exercises first!

  • The book always focuses on providing a workable solution:

    • Sometimes the first example is also incorrect and the author goes over and explains how to correct it.

    • Sometimes it can be improved or simplified1

I also like that iterative approach.


  1. So far, most simplifications I have seen are either using set logic to simplify conditions or building other functions.↩︎